Other themes for GUI

This thread is about themes!

If you are running the ucs_client.sh in GUI mode, there is a user interface built with the help of the dialog command. The dialog command offers the option to use different themes when building the UI.

The themes are stored under /theme/-folder and we have added all the themes that are shipped with dialog. The themes have following naming:


Themes that are shipped with dialog are:

  • debian.rc
  • slackware.rc
  • sourcemage.rc
  • suse.rc
  • whiptail.rc

The default theme is the debian.rc theme. But you can choose any other theme if you click on Settings->Theme in the main menu. You can even create your own custom theme (just like your own language files) and when you place it in the /theme/-folder the script will automatically include them in the list of available themes.